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Commercial Services

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commerical lawn cutting servicesBlade Busters knows that a commercial property requires professional care. The services we provide are carried out by experienced professionals who get the job done right, every time. Service visits can be scheduled to accommodate your operating hours, and employees and customers will not be inconvenienced by the services we provide.

The employees we hire to provide these services are professionals. They all wear our Blade Buster uniforms, and use company vehicles and equipment. We believe that by maintaining a professional presence we provide better service than the competition.

All of the estimates we provide are free of charge, and are performed in person by our owner, Tony Lanosz. Once the service is completed, he will personally check the site to ensure the job had been properly performed.

Custom Lawn Cutting Services

Our professional team will cut the grass surrounding your business or commercial building. Grass cuttings will be removed before we leave.


We can make sure existing landscaping — from hedges to mulch beds — are maintained to look their best. Trees, bushes, flowers, and plants can be installed by our crews. Our light tree trimming service removes low hanging branches and gives your property a clean, maintained look. Keep your business looking professional!

Leaf Removal

Leaves that are left on your property can damage your grass. The equipment we use to mow your lawn mulches the leaves, which in turn helps feed the grass.

Snow Plowing

Avoid lawsuits, missed time by employees, and lost business by hiring Blade Busters. We provide snow and ice management, and keep your sidewalks and parking lots clear.

For more information, or to schedule a free estimate, contact Tony Lanosz at 240-372-4915.